Fave ColourI love and see the beauty in all colours so I cant just love one.
Fave FilmI have too many that I LOVE and watch over and over but currently Wonder Woman.
Fave TV ShowSherlock and Lucifer
Coffee or Tea?Has to be the Great British Cuppa
Sweet or Savoury?Depends on how I feel...sometimes i'll have both at the same time!
Hair up or DownUp to keep a low profile, down to go to war ;)
Gym day or Spa Day?Gym; ive never been able to afford a spa day so guess its gym by default
Eyes or mouthDepends on how I feel...sometimes i'll have both at the same time!
Modelling or Acting?Modelling; I would love to be an actor and star in movies and films as a super hero or an alien or detective but I have never been good with words so the idea of learning a script is scary yet modelling its acting but in a silent movie its all about body language and expression used to tell a story.
Quote"The difference between dreams and reality is the actions you take."